Our Misison


We genuinely want to help do good whilst making the LGBTQ+ community look good and more importantly, feel good too!

Our Morals


We wanted to create something that does good AND looks good, too.

That's why 15% of our pre-tax profits are evenly distributed and donated to The Proud Trust & LGBT Foundation.

Click here to find our more information about how we give back and the great work that these non-profit charities do for our community.

We're not like big corporations which only celebrate pride one month of the year. We're focused on making high-quality products for all identities to celebrate pride every day!

We want to take back pride from the corporations and keep pride merch LGBTQ+ owned. That way we can ensure we operate with honesty, sincerity and actually give back to the community!

Fast Fashion Is Destroying Our Planet. We can't allow this to carry on.

There's many ways in which we try to make our collection as sustainable as we can. Each product listing will have a Sustainability section highlighting how we put the planet before profits.

Across our whole collection, we have a Zero-Waste manufacturing policy, use Post-Consumer-Recycled packaging and source materials from ethical suppliers.

No sweatshops or child labour ever! Only humane and fair work practices across the whole supply chain. On each of our product listings we give information about where we source all our materials.

All our products are free from animal products. We also use Oeko-Tex™ certified inks and embroidery threads which are 100% vegan.

Adam - Founder


Hello! I'm Adam, I'm 22 and this is why I created EqualityThreads!

After searching for bisexual pride clothing I realised there wasn't much choice out there.

It was the same for almost all gender and sexual identities. There was a lack of designs specific to each pride flag.

Additionally, any designs which I did find were rather ugly, distasteful and frankly hideous!

It was clear to me that large brands were just slapping rainbows onto any product they made, hiking up the prices during pride month and at best making a measly donation to charity.

The amount would seem big but as a percentage of their profits, it would be tiny!

In reality they were just being disingenuous, only caring about profits and not about our community!

It just left me infuriated and thinking... Where was the creativity?! Where was the intention?!

Which is why I started EqualityThreads!

I want to create apparel our community actually wants to wear. Tasteful, unique designs which can be comfortably incorporated into everyday style.

Designs which are inclusive of all pride identities with the aim to increase pride visibility.

As visibility is crucial! It fights shame and social stigma. It normalises our sexual and gender identities and instills the confidence in others to be proud of who they are.

I believe that the more pride there is, the more loving, diverse, interesting and accepting this world will be. 

I also wanted to create a company which actually puts morals BEFORE profits. Not just say it does!


We ensure the highest standard of manufacturing processes to guarantee ethical and humane working conditions creating products with faultless quality.